The China International Gold, Jewellery and Gem Fair, Shenzhen 2010 is expected to take place from the 9th to 12th of March 2010.
A “Sri Lanka Pavilion” is to be organized at the Shenzhen fair by the National Gem and Jewellery Authority (NGJA) with the assistance of the Sri Lankan Embassy in China.
The NGJA is looking for eight exporters/ potential exporters of gemstones, calibrated gems and gem studded jewellery that would participate at the above jewellery fair.
The cost of participation is USD 700 which includes stall construction, stall rental, showcases, fixtures and fittings.
Special assistance for the participants by the NGJA include:
i) Waiving of the 0.70% Export Service Fee.
ii) Special reduction in insurance rates
iii) Special low air fare through a leading travel agent
iv) Promotional materials
v) Providing services by interpreters.
Applications are welcome and will be shortlisted to be reviewed by a selection committee. Shortlisted applicants will be expected to present samples of gemstones, jewellery, product profiles, company profiles and promotional literature to be used at the fair.
During the selection process, special preference shall be given to those who have participated at “FACETS” – Sri Lanka International Gem & Jewellery Show.
The application should be handed over on or before the 2nd of February 2010 to to the Senior Manager (Export & Export Promotion), National Gem & Jewellery Authority, No. 25, Galle Face Terrace, Colombo 03 from whom further details and applications could be obtained. The application form can also be downloaded from the website of the NGJA.
25, Galle Face Terrace,
Colombo 03.
T.P.2390653 Fax 2320758 / 2390649
Website :