With the assistance of the Sri Lanka High Commission, New Delhi, India, the National Gem and Jewellery Authority Sri Lanka is to organize the “Sri Lanka Pavilion” at the Jaipur Jewellery Show which is to be held at the Rajmahal Palace Hotel, Jaipur from the 19th to 22nd of December 2009.
The NGJA is looking for eight exporters of gemstones, calibrated gems and gem studded jewelry that would participate in the Jaipur Jewellery Fair.
The cost of stall construction, rental, fittings showcases and fixtures would be shared between the NGJA (50%) and the eight participants (50%).
Special Concessions For Participants Include:
i) Pre fair publicity
ii)Reduced insurance rates through Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation Ltd.
iii) 0.7% export service fee waived.
iv)Special air fares through a travel agent.
Applications are welcome from interested exporters, the application forms can be downloaded from the website of the NGJA (See below for details).
Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed by a selection committee. At the interview the shortlisted applicants will be expected to produce a sample collection of gemstones and jewellery, company profile, product profile and promotion literature to be used at the fair. Exporters that have participated at the “FACETS” – Sri Lanka International Gem & Jewellery Show would be given preference .
Applications should be made on the prescribed form and forwarded on or before 30.10.2009 to the Senior Manager (Export & Export Promotion), National Gem & Jewellery Authority
For further details, you can contact the NGJA:
25, Galle Face Terrace,
Colombo 03.
T.P.2390653 Fax 2390649 Email: gemautho@sltnet.lk
Website : www.srilankagemautho.com