Category Archives: Industry News

Highlights of the Sri Lanka Gem Industry- Ist 6 Months 2009

The National Gem and Jewellery Authority staff donate 30,000 bottles of drinking water to the internally displaced civilians in the north Photos courtsey: NGJA The staff of the National Gem and Jewellery Authority donated 30,000 bottles of drinking water to civilians fleeing from the fighting in the North on April 27th 2009 The Presentation of […]

Highlights of the Sri Lanka Gem Industry- Ist 6 Months 2009

The National Gem and Jewellery Authority staff donate 30,000 bottles of drinking water to the internally displaced civilians in the north Photos courtsey: NGJA The staff of the National Gem and Jewellery Authority donated 30,000 bottles of drinking water to civilians fleeing from the fighting in the North on April 27th 2009 The Presentation of […]

Polished Diamonds Imports Down by 21% in Japan

Polished diamond imports in Japan fell by 21% in March 2009 ,when compared to the same period last year. Japanese people choose to spend less on luxury items due to the ongoing recession. The Japanese auto and computer/ electronics industry have taken a big hit due to decreased consumer spending in Europe and the US. […]

Diamond Exporters From India Are Eager To Increase Exports To Middle East

Due to the Global recession exports of diamonds to USA from India has dropped by over 30%. Indian diamond exporters are now looking for alternative markets. The Middle East looks promising .Since the onset of 2009, they are the leading importers of polished diamonds from India. According to Pravin Nanavati, ex president of the Surat […]

Celebrities Design Jewelry for Prince’s Trust

Angelina Jolie, Victoria Beckham and Anne Hathaway are to design jewellery for the charity.  Prince’s Trust charity will be among the beneficiaries. The Prince’s Trust is a charity dedicated to helping the youth by developing confidence, motivation and skills to find jobs. The trust tries to address the level of unemployment in the youth in […]

Export Performance- An Analysis of Exports

An Analysis of Exports for 2006 and 2007 By G.K.M Tilaka Nandani- Statistician, National Gem and Jewellery Authority, Sri Lanka. This article was reproduced with kind permission from the National Gem and Jewellery Authority. 1.1 (a) Gem Exports The value of gem exports in the year 2007 amounted to Rs. 10,442.2 million ,it was Rs […]

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