Export Performance- An Analysis of Exports

An Analysis of Exports for 2006 and 2007

By G.K.M Tilaka Nandani- Statistician, National Gem and Jewellery Authority, Sri Lanka.

This article was reproduced with kind permission from the National Gem and Jewellery Authority.


(a) Gem Exports

The value of gem exports in the year 2007 amounted to Rs. 10,442.2 million ,it was Rs 9853.2 million in the year 2006. This represented an increase of 6% in the year 2007 when compared with the year 2006. The volume of the gems exported in the year 2007 was 7,458,656 in caratage .The decrease in the volume of gem exported in the year 2007 is-16% when compared with the year 2006.

The details of gem exports for the year 2000 -2007  is shown in table 01.

Table 1

Year Weight Cts. Value Rs Mn Value in US$
2000 6,649,671 5,742.1 75.2
2001 7,265,578 5,176.1 58.0
2002 7,674,240 5,663.4 59.1
2003 3,702,321 5,989.1 62.1
2004 4,301,790 8,809.3 87.1
2005 6,643,882 8,004.7 79.3
2006 8,931,697 9,853.2 94.5
2007 7,458,656 10,444.2 94.0

The details of quarterly gem export performance for the year 2006 and 2007 are shown in table 02.

Table 2



Weight Cts. Value Rs Mn Weight Cts Value Rs Mn
1st Quarter 1,979,444 2,716 1,895,585 2,683
2nd Quarter 2,163,343 2,354 1,901,739 3,001
3rd Quarter 2,636,456 2,550 1,764,115 2,649
4th Quarter 2,152,454 2,233 1,897,218 2,111
Total 8,931,697 9,853 7,458,656 10,444

The main international markets for the Sri Lankan Gems were the U.S.A ,Thailand, Italy, Switzerland, Hong Kong and Japan. Table 03 shows the countrywise gem exports to the leading buyers in the year 2006 and 2007.

Table 3

Country 2006 2007
Weight Cts. Value Rs. Mn. Weight Cts. Value Rs. Mn.
USA 2,189,575 3,419 971,846 3,480
Thailand 1,005,867 2,096 702,911 2,011
Italy 41,187 532.6 27,264 1,028
Hong Kong 539,693 819 312,817 807
Switzerland 776,722 723 322,984 484
Japan 188,211 706 297,106 482
France 44,958 196 27,494 315
Malaysia 122,859 104 185,878 243
UK 63,697 225 37,468 197
Germany 213,771 158 181,221 189
Singapore 187,546 242 275,804 138
Indonesia 59,056 25,546 25,546 54

Sri Lankan gems have been exported to the following countries in the year 2007 , which has been categorized into 7 groups (table 4 to 10). Country classification of gem exports for the year 2006 and 2007 are shown in table 11.

Table 4

European Countries

Country Weight Cts. Value Rs.
Italy 27,263.88 1,028,633,261
Switzerland 322,984.06 484,183,632
France 27,494,.21 314,660,088
UK 37,468.70 197,151,762
Germany 181,221.64 189,404,866
Belgium 9,278.86 157,231,309
Poland 1,752,150.01 112,811,488
Spain 7,058.10 26,661,837
Finland 38,154.21 11,074,712
Sweden 5,683.25 7,607,524
Greece 11,454.58 5,187,944
Malta 183.46 3,588,095
Netherlands 4661.47 3,284,042
Denmark 6,946.87 2,247,784
Latvia 301.78 686,202
Austria 597.14 251,419
Cyprus 180.37 114,292
Hungary 844.13 106,993
Turkey 16.42 5,463
Total 2,433,943 2,544,892,713

Table 5

Middle East Countries

Country Weight Cts. Value Rs.
Dubai UAE 92,222.44 150,206,294
Lebanon 2,742.67 104,203,972
Saudi Arabia 41,782.15 23,009,661
United. Arab Emirates 5,051.34 10,669,789
Kuwait 55,173.92 3,677,860
Qatar 11,678.02 1,841,831
Oman 2,389.48 1,236,100
Bahrain 693.5 782,126
Yemen 3,398,.28 472,861
Israel 80.44 141,790
Jordan 969.14 71,021
Total 216,181.38 296,313,305

Table 6

Asian Countries

Country Weight Cts. Value Rs.
Thailand 702,911.11 2,011,471,123
Hong Kong 312,817.24 807,430,554
Japan 297,016.77 481,943,732
Malaysia 185,878.25 242,299,065
Singapore 275,804.44 137,839,319
India 1,866,450.53 137,291,517
Indonesia 25,545,.99 53,913,596
Russian Fed. 8,359.38 32,332,668
Maldives 40,818.64 26,814,245
China 1,828.86 10,113,362
Taiwan 8,580.07 7,792,197
Korea 3,759.00 5,947,027
Philippines 346.14 1,104,169
Pakistan 2,586.08 1,036,588
Bangladesh 264.84 547,981
Ukraine 4,823.49 270,588
Kazakhastan 27.22 84,948
Total 3,755,933.97 3,975,778,442

Table 7

African Countries

Country Weight Cts Value Rs.
Tanzania 32.5 77,537
Nigeria 4.15 68,370
Other African Countries 92 20,045
Total 128.65 165,952

Table 8

North American Countries

Country Weight Cts Value Rs.
USA 971,846.86 3,480,237,047
Canada 36,701.16 90,036,392
Total 1,008,548.02 3,570,273,439

Table 9

South American Countries

Country Weight Cts Value Rs.
Jamaica 380.71 1,219,449
Total 380.71 1,219,449

Table 10

Australian Countries

Country Weight Cts. Value Rs.
Australia 42,082.50 46,740,612
New Zealand 1,397.97 8,783,922
Total 43,480.47 55,524,534

Table 11

Export Performance

2006 2007
Weight in Cts. Value Rs Mn. Weight in Cts. Value Rs Mn.
European Countries 3,128,046 2,026 2,433,943 2,545
Middle East Countries 246,436 117 216,181 296
Asian Countries 3,258,359 4,179 3,755,994 3,976
African Countries 17,376 4 128 0.2
North American Countries 2,221,617 3,478 1,008,548 3,570
South American Countries 350 1
Australian Countries 58,861 50 43480 56

33% of the total exports in 2007 were to the US. Table no.12 shows the value of the main gem varieties exported to the USA, in the year 2006 and 2007.

Table 12

Exports to USA

Variety 2006 2007
Value Rs Mn. % Value Rs Mn. %
Blue sapphire 1,659 48% 2,144 62%
Mixed sapphires 443 13% 267 8%
Pink sapphire 374 11% 302 9%
Yellow sapphire 171 5% 167 5%
Alexandrite 148 4.3% 102 3%
Padparascha sapphire 102 2.9% 126 4%
Star sapphire 93 2.7% 82 2%
Topaz 70 2.0%

The blue sapphire is the leading product exported by the gem industry.In the yea 2007 the value of the blue sapphire exports represented 50% of the total export earnings in gems.Table 13 indicates the details of the main varieties exported in the year 2006 and 2007.

The jewellery items which fetched the highest demand for the year 2006 and 2007 are indicated in table 15. The metalwise demand for the year 2006 and 2007 are shown in table 16.

Table no 13

Gem Exports Varietywise

2006 2007
Weight Grams. Value Rs Mn. Weight Grams. Value Rs Mn.
Blue sapphire 639,373 4,391 341,915 5,289
Sapphire 428,232 1,568 519,278 1,283
Pink sapphire 54,440 811 45,521 45,521
Cat’s eye 42,427 409 35,754 283
Padparascha sapphire 7,607 379 10,952 506
Yellow sapphire 73,433 377 48,322 443
Star sapphire 115,974 322 96,573 241
Alexandrite 7,848 274 7,770 224
Topaz 3,900,672 189 2,839,881 161

(b) Jewellery Exports:

The value of the jewellery exports for the year 2007 was Rs 2075 Mn. and the corresponding figure for the year 2006 was Rs 1751 Mn. and there was an increase of 19% in the year 2007. The volume of the jewellery exports in the year 2007 was 6,100,276 grams in weight. USA, Germany, UK,Japan,Canada,India and Singapore were in the forefront among the countries which imported jewellery from Sri Lanka. The details of countrywise jewellery exports for the year 2006 and 2007 are given in table 14.

Table no 14

2006 2007
Weight Grams. Value Rs Mn. Weight Grams. Value Rs Mn.
Germany 3,215,515 393 2,459,894 332
USA 1,376,740 296 4,776,306 579
UK 643,523 169 544,128 197
Italy 17,131 37 17,346 7
Singapore 131,326 55 39,866 98
Japan 405,797 78 1,537,186 169
Maldive Island 36,862 29 48,929 82
Switzerland 163980 37 23,609 86

Table no 15

2006 2007
Weight Grams. Value Rs Mn. Weight Grams. Value Rs Mn.
Rings 1,072,211 401 1,107,209 447
Pendants 943,499 295 1,081,457 361
Pairs of ear studs 402,406 246 380,075 298
Necklaces 582,412 335 316,088 362
Bracelets 507,829 131 433,135 152
Chains 1,075,893 100 849,336 114

Table no 16

2006 2007
Weight Grams. Value Rs Mn. Weight Grams. Value Rs Mn.
18Kt Gold 376,594 478 387,326 689
Silver 4,992,622 427 4,959,544 437
22Kt Gold 99,977 200 142,871 349
18Kt White Gold 62,062 246 65,816 330
14Kt Gold 81,461 93 57,784 72
9Kt Gold 61,312 53 36,497 34
White Gold 43,758 63 21,387 29

The details of the quarterly jewellery export performance for the year 2006 and 2007 are shown in table 17.

Table no 17

Quarter 2006 2007
Weight Grams. Value Rs Mn. Weight Grams. Value Rs Mn.
1st Quarter 1,344,860 332 1,139,335 419
2nd Quarter 1,694,825 438 1,792,390 538
3rd Quarter 1,319,519 407 1,453,535 522
4th Quarter 1,584,027 574 1,715,014 546
Total 5,943232 1,751 6,100,275 2,074

1.2 Diamond Exports (Re-Exports):

The total exports of diamonds for the year 2007 was Rs 37,774 Mn. and it was Rs 31,772 Mn in 2006. The increase in the year 2007 was 19% when compared with the year 2006.The volume of the diamonds exported in the year 2007 was 748,744 carats. The main international markets for the diamond re-exports were Belgium,Israel, Thailand, India, Vietnam, Switzerland and the USA.The details of the countrywise exports of diamonds in 2006 and 2007 are shown in table 18.

Table no 18

Country 2006 2007
Weight (Cts) Value Rs Mn. % Weight (Cts) Value Rs Mn. %
Belgium 340,175 26,255 83% 537,630 30,575 81%
Israel 80,432 2,834 9% 87,046 3,872 10%
USA 65,302 373 1% 3,454 137 0.4%
Vietnam 10,845 164 0.5% 22,324 408 1%
Switzerland 5,834 345 1% 13,608 189 0.5%
India 1,950 75 0.2% 19,421 415 1%
Australia 20,479 158 0.5% 1,130 49 0.1%
Thailand 26,133 1,151 4% 40,735 1648 4%
Armenian Republic 1,364 76 0.2%

During the year 2007 Armenian Republic entered into Sri Lanka’s diamond re-export market.

1.3 Diamond Jewellery Exports:

Table no 19

Diamond Jewellery Exports 2006/2007 -Main Markets

2006 2007
Weight (Gram) Value Rs Mn Weight (Gram) Value Rs Mn
Dubai U.A.E 23,588 205.8 66,203 357.9
Israel 8,817 96.7 5,458 64.0
Japan 6,558 68.0 4,214 50.6
U.S.A 12,188 80.2 46,087 219.4
Singapore 9,744 100.7 13,831 202.3
U.K 10,036 36.1 1,497 11.2
Hong Kong 1,369 26.9 4,412 64.5
Maldive Islands 3,521 29.1 4,479 38.1

Value of the diamond jewellery exports in the year 2007 was Rs 813.8 Mn. and it was Rs 717.7 Mn in 2006. There was an increase of 13% in export value in the year 2007 when compared with the year 2006. The volume of the diamond jewellery exports in the year 2007 was 114,607 in grams. The main international markets for the diamond jewellery exports were Dubai,UAE, Israel, Singapore ,USA and Japan. The details of the countrywise diamond jewellery exports for the year 2006 and 2007 are shown in table 19.

Table no 20

Monthly Gem Exports 2007

Month Lots Pieces Weight Cts. Value Rs Value US$
January 545 30,257 683,561 978,805535 8,975,669
February 401 23,377 507,022 638,993,034 5,851,913
March 311 30,955 705,003 1,065,159,005 9,707,501
April 420 23,431 517253 998,350,026 9,080,708
May 716 38,219 781,011 1,072,990,659 9,638,721
June 405 33,504 603,474 929,531,685 8,342,007
July 336 32,790 461,383 731,915,952 6,521,700
August 406 59,344 664,611 905,746,484 8,048,213
September 617 57,437 638,121 1,011,446,259 8,887,665
October 658 23,691 729,985 754,129,212 6,622,407
November 659 49,050 613,017 692,442,394 6,232,599
December 326 44,549 554,216 664,657,589 6,056,564
Grand Total 5800 446,604 7,458,656 10,444,167,835 93,965,666

Achieved Targets

Export Performance up to November 2008

Statistics Division, National Gem and Jewellery Authority







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