Namibia In Namibia, diamonds account for more than 45% of the country’s export revenue, 7% of the government revenue and approximately 10% of the country’s GDP Namibia produces approximately US$0.9 billion worth of diamonds a year Namdeb, a Namibia diamond mining company, invests approximately N$2 million [US$296,386] in corporate social development projects annually Namdeb is […]
Author Archives: Lareef1
Distribution of tools, equipment and appliances used in the Jewellery Manufacturing Industry to Associations representing the ‘SME’ Sector at the ‘NGJA’ Auditorium on 11th April 2012 by Chairman & CEO of ‘NGJA’ Being yet another facility offered by the National Gem and Jewellery Authority (NGJA) towards the development of the jewellery industry in Sri Lanka; […]
The Gem Diamond and Jewellery export sector has recorded an overall growth of 40per cent in U.S. Dollar terms as at end June 2012, earning a revenue of USD.64.17 Million in comparison with the corresponding figure of USD.45.78 Million in 2011. A detailed breakup is given below. 2011(Jan-June) (USD. Million) 2012 (Jan – June) (USD. […]
The 33rd edition of the biannual Istanbul Jewelry Show, organized by UBM Rotaforte, a joint-venture company formed by UBM Asia and Rotaforte International Fairs Inc., and sponsored mainly by the DenizBank, was held successfully at the Istanbul Exhibition Center from October 13 – 16, 2011, with a record turnout of both visitors and exhibitors, fulfilling […]
Facets 2011, the 21st version of Sri Lanka’s only international gem and jewelry show, organized by the Sri Lanka Gem & Jewelry Association (SLGJA) and sponsored by the National Gem & Jewelry Authority (NGJA) of Sri Lanka and the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (SLEDB), was held successfully between September 8 and 11, 2011 at […]
The National Gem & Jewellery Authority of Sri Lanka organizes periodic lectures and presentations every year, by specialists in different fields of the gem & jewellery trade and industry, to educate the people involved in different sectors of the industry, of the current trends and developments in various fields, in keeping with its objectives of […]
In line with the policy of the National Gem & Jewellery Authority (NGJA) of Sri Lanka in helping to develop and modernize the gem and jewelry industry of the country, by introducing the latest cutting-edge and time-saving technology in the manufacture of jewelry, adopted by jewelry manufactures in the more advanced countries of the west, […]
The National Gem & Jewellery Authority in keeping with its policy of educating people involved in various sectors of the gem & jewelry trade and industry, on topics relevant to their field, have been organizing lectures periodically by various specialists in different fields, both local and foreign. One such presentation was held on April 28, […]
The Department of Public Enterprises of Sri Lanka has by its Circular No. PED/POL/2 issued on April 29, 2011, designated the National Gem & Jewellery Authority (NGJA) of Sri Lanka, as a Category “B” self-funded State-Owned Non-Commercial Enterprise (SONCE), with effect from May 1, 2011. A State-Owned Non-Commercial Enterprise (SONCE) is defined as an enterprise […]