The 14th annual Paget Sound Bead Festival is said to take place from 10th to 12th of July 2009 at the Hotel Murano Bicentennial Pavilion- 1320 Broadway in Tacoma WA.
An increase in attendance is expected because “beading is something that can fit every budget. Making jewelry is now more about fashion than about crafting” said Viki Lareau who is one of the promoters of the show.
The show will kich off on Thursday the 9th of July with a show preview and workshops for the industry. The show will open to the public from 10th to the 12th of July.
The Puget Sound Bead Festival which started in 1995 is owned and run by Viki and Mark Lareau of “The Bead Factory”. Bead Factory is a company incorporated in Tacoma, Washington.
The festival attracts well known bead instructors and vendors to Tacoma for the annual event. Due to the growing list of vendors over the years the venue of the show had to be moved 4 times. This year over 120 vendors and 125 workshops are expected. The attendance is expected to top 10,000. Participants from Canada and Japan have also attended the bead festival.
The show is also providing shuttle trips from Northgate or South Center to the venue for a round trip fare of $15 which includes show admission. The admission fee is $7 at the door. For teachers showcase and student preview the fee is US$15 including admission.
External Link: Puget Sound Bead Festival