GemEx systems Inc. , a company which specializes in the light performance of diamonds is to start offering their services in the Manhattan’s diamond district. Their Proprietary Brilliance Scope Analyzer will also be available.
Customers can make an appointment to have their stones examined. Testing is done using 5 different light measurements so as to assess the fire or brilliance of the diamond. A GemEx certificate is then issued which will detail the results.
The GemEx BrillianceScope® Analyzer, which uses patented spectrophotometer technology, measures a diamond’s white light (brilliance), color light (fire) and scintillation (sparkle).
The light performance certificate shows three bar graphs and five photographs of the diamond under 5 different light views taken during the light performance measuremen
GemEx has been specializing in measuring light performance for the diamond industry since 1998. According to their company website, GemEx was the first to introduce the concept of scientifically measuring the light performance of diamonds. Their website also notes that diamond consumers have also embraced this metric of diamond evaluation as it is much easier to sell diamonds with GemEx reports.
Randy Wagner, CEO of GemEx said “This new diamond scanning service in New York City provides an opportunity for a wider range of jewelry manufacturers and retailers to assess their stones using the proven GemEx technology,”
A formal announcement of the new services by GemEx is to be made on October 14th during the monthly New York chapter meeting of the Diamond Manufacturers and Importers Association of America (DMIA).
DMIA members will receive a discounted rate on all GemEx evaluations.