While all sectors of the diamond industry, such as exploration, mining, cutting and polishing, and sales have taken a bad hit by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic affecting countries around the world, a leading Hong Kong based material analysis and nanotechnology company, Master Dynamic Limited, has come out with a pleasantly surprising news, that a new generation of virus-killing face masks can be produced by coating the masks with salt crystals and nano-diamonds. If the ongoing research on the development of the virus-killing mask is successful, it ironically means that the badly hit diamond industry has made its own valuable contribution in combatting the deadly virus that will eventually pave the way for the revival of the industry.

courtsey: Mohsen Atayi

Researchers at the Master Dynamic Limited Laboratory believe that the unique combination of salt crystals and nano-diamonds could “actually destroy viruses and microorganisms, rather than simply filtering them out” The renowned lab was recently awarded a HK$ 10m (US$ 1.29m) grant by conglomerate New World Development (NWD) to continue their research and develop the nano-diamond coating.

Rough Diamonds

Master Dynamic Ltd’s CEO Dr. Tom Kong, commenting on the work of the Labm said, “When people think about diamonds they are normally thinking about jewelry, where the cost is at a premium. But we’re using industrial grade nano-diamonds, not jewelry-grade diamonds, so the cost is much cheaper. We can treat the nano-diamonds in different layers so that it can kill all spectrum of viruses”.

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