The GIA’s DiamondCheck machine that was offered free-of-charge to all member bourses of the World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB), an organization committed to enforcing its stand of “zero tolerance” in the non-disclosure of synthetic diamonds, and accordingly installed first at the New York Diamond Dealers Club on January 30, 2014, followed by the Israeli Diamond Exchange, the Diamond Dealers Club of South Africa, Bharat Diamond Bourse (BDB) of Mumbai, India and the Dubai Diamond Exchange, will now be installed at the London Diamond Bourse (LDB) on May 22, 2014.
The DiamondCheck Machine will be unveiled at a special seminar organized in this connection at the LDB on May 22, 2014 at 3.00 p.m. attended by members of the bourse and industry professionals and to be addressed by the guest speakers Tom Moses – GIA’s executive vice-president, and Dr.Ulrika D’Haenens-Johansson – GIA’s research scientist. The presentation expected to last approximately one hour will be followed by a question and answer session.
Due to the importance of this event, geared at eliminating the unethical practice of mixing lab-grown synthetic diamonds with genuine natural diamonds and thereby bolstering consumer confidence in the diamond trade and industry worldwide, the LDB has extended an invitation to its members who would like to attend the seminar to register through their e-mail address Since accommodation is limited, seats will be assigned on a first-come-first-serve basis and all invitees would be subjected to the usual full and strenuous security procedures adopted by the LDB.
The diamond industry is in general agreement that there are two critical elements when it comes to synthetics: detection and disclosure. The DiamondCheck technology will help prevent synthetic diamonds from entering the market as natural diamonds through easier detection, and it will help maintain consumer confidence, which is an urgent requirement to the industry worldwide.
The GIA DiamondCheck machine is intended to examine colorless stones in the D-to-N range. It identifies natural, untreated diamonds and refers stones for further analysis if they may be treated or synthetic. The system will be made available at no cost to diamond bourses around the world as part of GIA’s public benefit mission.