Meeting held with Mr.Zhongjian Chen, Chairman of the Board, Shanghai Zhongneng, Enterprise Development (GROUP) CO.LTD. Shanghai, China, and Mr.Jiang Hongzhou, Council Member of China Association for International Friendly contact , Beijing, China with Chairman & CEO of NGJA on 14th March 2012.
Category Archives: Industry News
Namibia In Namibia, diamonds account for more than 45% of the country’s export revenue, 7% of the government revenue and approximately 10% of the country’s GDP Namibia produces approximately US$0.9 billion worth of diamonds a year Namdeb, a Namibia diamond mining company, invests approximately N$2 million [US$296,386] in corporate social development projects annually Namdeb is […]
Participating Companies 1) Ru Silver Jewellery 2) ORIX Gems and Jewellery 3) Silver Strings 4) Brilliance Gem & Jewellery 5) Mermaid Jewellers
Highlights of the meeting held with Companies engaged in gem & jewellery sales for foreign currency; on 8th December 2011 at the Sri Lanka Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management, organized by Police Tourist Division, National Gem & Jewellery Authority & Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority.
Images of the meeting held on 29th February 2012 between Chairman & CEO of ‘NGJA’ and Mr.Vincent Pardieu, Supervisor, Field Gemmology, Gemmological Institute of America Laboratory, Thailand during his visit to Sri Lanka to conduct gemological research on the new Blue Sapphire deposit in Kataragama.
The presentation light up with information technology was organized by the National Gem and Jewellery Authority. The resource person was Mr Sajith Weerakoon, C.E.O GlomeTech Pvt. Ltd. He is a graduate from the University of Moratuwa with over 4 years experience in software engineering.
Distribution of tools, equipment and appliances used in the Jewellery Manufacturing Industry to Associations representing the ‘SME’ Sector at the ‘NGJA’ Auditorium on 11th April 2012 by Chairman & CEO of ‘NGJA’ Being yet another facility offered by the National Gem and Jewellery Authority (NGJA) towards the development of the jewellery industry in Sri Lanka; […]
A delegation from the Gem and Jewellery Association of Singapore visited the Nisol Diamonds Factory on the 29/3/2012.
The Gem Diamond and Jewellery export sector has recorded an overall growth of 40per cent in U.S. Dollar terms as at end June 2012, earning a revenue of USD.64.17 Million in comparison with the corresponding figure of USD.45.78 Million in 2011. A detailed breakup is given below. 2011(Jan-June) (USD. Million) 2012 (Jan – June) (USD. […]
Chairman NGJA met the Ambassador for the Peoples Republic of China. Mr. Wu- Jianhao, on the 18th July 2012 at the Chinese Embassy in Colombo.