Please click here to go to our Reference Database
The reference database page is similar to the site map, it gives you links to the most important/most viewed pages on our site.
We have one of the most extensive free reference database on Gemstones, Jewelry, Minerals and related fields.
The section on famous diamonds, gemstones and pearls are probably the World’s best. Our staff have spent years researching about these famous items. We do our best to keep this section updated by regularly posting about new rare gemstones and diamonds that come up in auction houses around the World.
The reference database also includes links to galleries of rare and common gemstones that we have come across.
Please let us know what you think about our website. Each article on our website has a comment box below ,which enables users to interact by asking questions, posting comments etc. Feel free to use it as many times as you like.
We encourage users to advice us to include any new topic/trend/feature that they feel our website should have .
Users that have questions and comments are also welcome to our Forums, which is a community of experts and enthusiasts in all related fields of the gem and jewelry industry.
Our directory is a collection of high quality websites in the field and hope users would find these resources very useful.
Please click on the link above to go to the Reference Database.