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Welcome to our forums. Our forums was launched on 23rd May 2008 ( New). It is a place for friendly discussion related to the gemstone and jewelry industry. We also have categories discussing gemology and educational aspects.
Users are welcome to contribute and participate in our forums, but please do not spam our forums. Some users come with the sole intention of putting up a post with a link to their websites or website of their clients. Please participate in our forums, there is no harm in putting a few links to your website if you are an active participant/ you engage in answering numerous questions that are posted by our users. We could also upgrade you to a moderator status if we feel you are regular and knowledgeable in the field. We are also planning to introduce some incentives to our regular users and moderators as we move along.
Forums are also the best place for you if you are planning to popularize your online store or even an online service (Such as appraisal and gem testing). This is because our website is trusted by the search engines, any topic you put up will rise to the top within a few days. You don’t have to wait for the aging delay which is two years for websites in this sector (Called the Google Sandbox Effect).
If you are using our forums please do not copy and paste articles or even paragraphs from other sites online (Quotations are allowed), this is because search engines penalize duplicate content (Called Frankenstein Paragraphs by Google). We use state of the art automatic software to track users who are plagiarizing other peoples content and putting it on our forums (Copyscape .COM). You can find details about it on their website. When we find such users we usually ban them from our forums. If there is really something interesting that you have seen on another site you may consider rewriting or rephrasing before putting it up on our forums.
Do not forget to read the forum rules and guidelines before posting.
Please click on the link above to go to our Forums.