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Welcome to our online directory of high quality websites related to the same field.
The aim of our directory is to make this website as comprehensive as possible. No website is complete without links/directory to related sites. This is because the main aim of a website is to provide solutions/information to its users. No website can be deemed complete, as time passes by all websites will require updating with either latest information related to the same field or software upgrades/look and feel changes.
In our endeavour to enhance user experience we are compiling a directory of high quality websites related to the fields of Gemology, Minerals, Watches and Jewelry.
You are welcome to submit websites for listing, provided you and your website follows the guidelines stated by our directory.
Please do not spam our directory. There are many users whose sole aim is to copy and paste the same company profile to all directories that they submit to. They do not realize that such listings will not be listed by the search engines (Duplicate Content), and they will not get the benefit of having that external link to their website.
Please use the link above to go to our directory (